Operator station with a diagonal of 10 inches
MOS-10 panel computers are designed to work in various automation systems as computing units, as part of an operator's automated workstation (AWS), as shared use screens under the Linux family operating system (including AstraLinux).
MOS-10 computers are used in various industries in video surveillance systems, electronic cartography, emergency warning systems (EWS), etc.
By design, the products are monoblock operator stations in which the system unit and LCD display are combined into a single frame.
On the MOS-10 computers, a direct adjustment of brightness of a display backlight is provided, which allows them to be used in navigation systems and in other systems that require the installation of operator stations on navigation bridges.
The design of panel computers provides the possibility of mounting in desks, consoles, cabinet doors, mounting on counter tops using brackets, and mounting on suspensions.
Technical Specifications
IP44 - front side
Screen specifications
Documentation and software

Product approved with RS and RRR certificates.