

Control Consoles

Control consoles designed to organize automated workplaces of operators (watch mechanical engineers) and are steelworks, in which operator station, controls, indicators, communications equipment, etc. are mounted.

Control consoles are composite, consisting of separate sections, equipped with handrails and are designed for operator sitting or standing work.

Inside the sections, electrical, communication and other equipment is installed to ensure the operation of embedded equipment and its interaction with external devices.

Any necessary equipment, both manufactured by Valcom and third-party suppliers, can be installed into the panels.

Control consoles can be supplied either a as part of TSS/ControlTSS/Cargo, TSS/BMS, TSS/Control Docking automation systems, and separately.

The consoles are designed and manufactured according to the customer’s sketches and own projects.

Detailed information on possible versions, order codes and specifications can be found on the Valcom’s website.

Product approved with RS certificate.