TSS/Control Docking
Monitoring and Control System of Technical Means for Floating Docks
TSS/Control Docking system is a modification of TSS/Control system and is designed for installation on floating docks.
The system provides for control over technical means, control over submersion/surfacing, positioning of an object in the dock, as well as WAS alarm, stability and strength monitoring.
In addition to the standard features of TSS/Control system, TSS/Control Docking system provides for:
- dock level/draft measurement with possibility of using two independent level/ draft measurement systems;
- calculation of dock roll and trim difference;
- calculation of longitudinal and transverse deflection;
- generation of warning alarm at approach of monitored parameters to specified limits;
- generation of warning alarm when the monitored parameters get beyond the specified limits, with suspension of dock operations.
When MasterLoad stability and strength control device with calculations module for floating docks is included to TSS/Control Docking system, monitoring of stability and strength parameters in real time, and preliminary “play” of possible options of dock operations is available.
To monitor longitudinal and transverse deflection of the dock, a hydraulic deflection meter is included in TSS/Control Docking system.

Product approved with RS certificate.